July 2022

What are Data Structures in C and How to use them

When working in C, you have access to various fundamental data structures that facilitate the storage and management of data. These inclu...

QuantumO0O 25 Jul, 2022

Array in C++ and 3-tuple representation of sparse Matrics

One-Dimensional Arrays An array is essentially a finite ordered set of similar elements stored in contiguous memory locations. The simplest...

QuantumO0O 6 Jul, 2022

Understanding Exceptions in C++

An exception is a glitch that can occur during the execution of a program. It's essentially a runtime error that the program might detec...

QuantumO0O 6 Jul, 2022

Understanding Friend Functions in C++

When dealing with private data in a class, it's usually not directly accessible outside that class. However, there's a solution - t...

QuantumO0O 6 Jul, 2022

Understanding Abstract Classes and Pure Virtual Functions in C++

Abstract Class An abstract class serves as a foundation in C++ programming. It is designed to be a base class and must include at least one...

QuantumO0O 6 Jul, 2022

Polymorphism: Embracing Diversity in Functions

Polymorphism is the ability of an entity to take on different forms. In the realm of programming, particularly in C++, this refers to the c...

QuantumO0O 6 Jul, 2022