What is the other name of cout and cin operator

What is the other name of cout and cin operator its use and write the function of cin and cout keyboards with Syntax?


In C++ programming language, its have Standard Libraries. As we need to perform Input/ Output functionality, iostream Library is used, where io stands for Input/Output to fetch Inputs from the keyboard and display the Output to the console.

cout is a variable which is predefined in iostream Library of C++ for user to perform the sand the data to the console and display the text. also, cout stands for "character output"

Let's see the simple example of cout to print the characters:-


unsing namespace std;

int main()


cout<<here is the example";

return 0;


Output: here is the example

we use the cout with "<<" insertion operator to sent the output to the console


 In the C++ programming language, its have standerd Libraries. As we need to perform input/output functionality, iostream Library used where io stands for Input/Output to fetch inputs from keyboard and display the output to the console.

cin is a variable which is predefined in iostream Library of C++ for the user to perform the fetch or read the data from the keyboard. also, coin stands for "character input"

Let's see the simple example of cin to print the characters:-



unsing namespace std;

int main()


string a;

cout<<"type here : ";



return 0;


Output: type here : gloiy


we use the cin with ">>" extraction operator to fetch/read the input from the keyboard and #include<string>  for using string Library to proform String operation.

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