October 2022

LIFO - last in first out and FIFO - First in First out

LIFO and FIFO are two methods of storing data in a data structure. They also define the order in which data enters/exits the data ...

QuantumO0O 10 Oct, 2022

Understanding Spanning Trees and Minimum Cost Spanning Trees: Prim's and Kruskal's Algorithm Explained and Their Differences

A spanning tree is like a snapshot of a connected graph, capturing the essence of its undirected and interconnected nature. Minimum Cost S...

QuantumO0O 5 Oct, 2022

Three Level ANSI SPARC Architecture

Back in 1975, ANSI SPARC recognized the need for a comprehensive three-level approach, consisting of three distinct levels of abstraction: o...

QuantumO0O 5 Oct, 2022