Database Transaction Management Locks, Deadlocks, and Transactions

1. Introduction

In today’s data-driven world, databases are the backbone of virtually every application—whether it's an e-commerce website processing thousands of transactions per second, a banking system managing sensitive financial data, or a social media platform updating millions of user profiles simultaneously. At the heart of these operations lie database transactions and concurrency management, two critical concepts that ensure data remains accurate, consistent, and reliable even under the most demanding conditions.

This blog delves into the fundamental principles of database transactions, the importance of ACID properties, concurrency control techniques, and the mechanisms that prevent conflicts and ensure data integrity. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of how modern databases handle simultaneous transactions efficiently and securely.

2. Understanding Database Transactions

What Is a Transaction?

A transaction in the context of a database system refers to a logical unit of work that consists of one or more operations (such as reading, writing, updating, or deleting data) performed as a single, indivisible process. The key characteristic of a transaction is that it is treated as an all-or-nothing proposition—either all operations succeed, or none of them do.

Consider a simple bank transfer where ₹5,000 is being transferred from Account A to Account B. This transaction involves two key operations:

  1. Debiting ₹5,000 from Account A
  2. Crediting ₹5,000 to Account B

If the system successfully debits Account A but crashes before crediting Account B, the database would be left in an inconsistent state. To prevent such issues, the database ensures that both operations are completed successfully, or neither is applied.

Key Characteristics of Transactions

Transactions possess four essential properties, known collectively as the ACID properties:

  • Atomicity
  • Consistency
  • Isolation
  • Durability

These properties ensure that transactions are processed reliably, even during system failures, power outages, or concurrent user activity. The next section will explore each in detail.

3. ACID Properties: The Pillars of Transaction Integrity

The ACID properties are foundational to database transactions, guaranteeing data integrity even in complex, concurrent environments.

Property Description Real-World Example
Atomicity Ensures all operations within a transaction are completed successfully or none are applied. A failed online payment rolls back the deduction.
Consistency Ensures the database transitions from one valid state to another, maintaining data integrity. Bank balances always add up correctly after transfers.
Isolation Transactions do not interfere with each other, appearing as if they were executed sequentially. Two users booking the same ticket won’t cause double bookings.
Durability Once a transaction is committed, its effects are permanent, even after a system crash. Order details remain intact after a system reboot.

Atomicity: "All or Nothing"

Atomicity guarantees that a transaction is treated as a single, indivisible unit. If any part of the transaction fails, the entire transaction is rolled back, and the database remains unchanged.

  • Example: In online shopping, if payment processing fails, the cart remains intact, and the inventory is unaffected.

Consistency: Data Integrity Is King

Consistency ensures that a transaction transforms the database from one valid state to another, preserving all predefined rules, constraints, and relationships.

  • Example: In a banking system, if money is deducted from one account, it must be added to another—ensuring no money is lost or created.

Isolation: Transactions in Silos

Isolation ensures that concurrent transactions do not affect each other’s execution. Even if transactions run simultaneously, the end result should be as if they were executed sequentially.

  • Example: Two customers attempting to purchase the last unit of a product will not both succeed; only one transaction will be committed.

Durability: Permanent Changes

Durability ensures that once a transaction is committed, the changes are permanent—even in the case of system failures. Databases achieve durability through mechanisms like write-ahead logs and backups.

  • Example: After confirming a flight booking, your reservation remains secure even if the airline’s servers crash immediately afterward.

4. Concurrency Control: Managing Simultaneous Transactions

What Is Concurrency Control?

Concurrency control refers to the set of techniques used to manage simultaneous transactions without compromising data integrity. In multi-user environments, databases must handle hundreds or even thousands of transactions occurring at the same time. Without proper concurrency control, data anomalies can occur.

Why Is Concurrency Control Important?

  • Prevents data inconsistency due to overlapping transactions
  • Ensures fairness and system performance
  • Maintains the ACID properties even under high load

Common Concurrency Problems

  1. Lost Updates: Occurs when two transactions overwrite each other’s changes without awareness.

    • Example: Two bank employees updating the same customer’s phone number simultaneously, resulting in one update being lost.
  2. Dirty Reads: When a transaction reads uncommitted data from another transaction, which may later be rolled back.

    • Example: Reading an account balance that includes a pending (but ultimately failed) transaction.
  3. Unrepeatable Reads: A transaction reads the same data twice but gets different results because another transaction modified the data in between.

    • Example: Generating an invoice where item prices change between reads.
  4. Inconsistent Analysis (Phantom Reads): A transaction reads a set of records based on a condition, but new records satisfying the condition are added by another transaction during execution.

    • Example: A report showing employee salaries where new employees are added mid-report.

5. Serialisability: The Gold Standard of Correct Schedules

What Is Serialisability?

A schedule (sequence of transaction operations) is said to be serialisable if it produces the same outcome as some serial (non-overlapping) execution of those transactions. Serialisability is considered the gold standard because it ensures data consistency even when transactions run concurrently.

Types of Serialisability:

  • Conflict Serialisability: Based on detecting conflicting operations (read-write, write-read, write-write) and ensuring they maintain the correct order.
  • View Serialisability: Focuses on the overall effect of transactions rather than individual conflicts.

Precedence Graphs (Serialization Graphs):

A precedence graph helps determine if a schedule is conflict-serialisable.

  • Nodes: Represent transactions
  • Edges: Show dependencies (if one transaction’s operation conflicts with another’s)


  • Schedule: T1 reads A, T2 writes A
  • Graph: T1 → T2 indicates T1 must precede T2 to maintain consistency

6. Locking Mechanisms in Concurrency Control

What Is Locking?

Locking is a mechanism used to control access to data items, ensuring that concurrent transactions do not interfere with each other. Locks prevent conflicts like dirty reads and lost updates.

Types of Locks:

Lock Type Purpose Concurrency Effect
Binary Lock Data item is either locked or unlocked Simple but limits concurrency
Shared Lock (S Lock) Allows multiple transactions to read data High read concurrency
Exclusive Lock (X Lock) Grants exclusive access for writing data Only one transaction can modify at a time

Multiple-Mode Locking:

Allows both shared and exclusive locks, improving concurrency by permitting multiple readers while restricting writers.

7. The Two-Phase Locking (2PL) Protocol

What Is 2PL?

The Two-Phase Locking Protocol (2PL) ensures serialisability through two distinct phases:

  1. Growing Phase: Transactions acquire all the locks they need without releasing any.
  2. Shrinking Phase: Once the first lock is released, no new locks can be acquired.

Variants of 2PL:

  • Basic 2PL: Locks can be released at any point after acquiring all necessary locks.
  • Strict 2PL: Holds all locks until the transaction is committed or aborted, preventing cascading rollbacks.
  • Rigorous 2PL: Holds both exclusive and shared locks until commit, offering the highest level of strictness.

Flowchart illustrating the locking and unlocking process in 2PL will be added here.

8. Deadlocks in Database Systems

What Is a Deadlock?

A deadlock occurs when two or more transactions are waiting indefinitely for resources locked by each other, creating a cycle of dependency that cannot be resolved without intervention.

Conditions for Deadlock:

  1. Mutual Exclusion: At least one resource is non-shareable.
  2. Hold and Wait: Transactions hold resources while waiting for others.
  3. No Preemption: Resources cannot be forcibly taken from transactions.
  4. Circular Wait: A cycle of transactions exists, each waiting for a resource held by the next.

Deadlock Handling Techniques:

Technique Description Example/Scenario
Prevention Avoids one of the necessary conditions for deadlock Wait-Die and Wound-Wait schemes
Detection & Recovery Identifies deadlocks using wait-for graphs and resolves by rolling back transactions Cycle detection algorithm
Avoidance Dynamically allocates resources based on safe states Banker’s algorithm

9. Optimistic Concurrency Control (OCC): An Alternative Approach

OCC assumes that conflicts are rare, allowing transactions to execute without strict locking. Instead, transactions are validated before committing to ensure no conflicts occurred.

Phases of OCC:

  1. Read Phase: Transactions read data and make tentative changes.
  2. Validation Phase: Checks for conflicts with other transactions.
  3. Write Phase: Commits changes if no conflicts are found.

OCC is ideal for systems with high read operations and minimal data conflicts.

10. Summary and Key Takeaways

  • Transactions ensure reliable, consistent operations in databases.
  • ACID properties safeguard data integrity.
  • Concurrency control prevents conflicts in multi-user environments.
  • Locking mechanisms and 2PL protocols maintain serialisability.
  • Deadlocks can occur but can be prevented, detected, or resolved.
  • OCC offers a flexible alternative for low-conflict environments.

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